Everyone Can Contribute
We operate with a growth-mindset that everyone can learn and contribute to society, and that people are doing the best the can with what they have. It is this mindset that allows us to advocate for the children and families we support.
Early Literacy Combats Poverty
We are guided by the large body of research that supports early literacy as the gateway to breaking the cycle of poverty. Our Education Channel focuses on providing educational support from an early age.
Empower People
We believe that people are empowered and are more likely to succeed when they take an active role in their progress. All recipients provide a match to resources allocated to a project. This may be financial, work hours, and in-kind services.
Project-Based Approach
We believe that a project-based approach allows for the greatest flexibility in making a difference in communities. Projects are then taken over and sustained by the recipients.
Multiplying our effect
We believe that the scope and scale of our community projects is multiplied by requiring that recipients pay it forward and volunteer in future projects.
Build Community Leaders
We believe that by connecting youth in our programs across cultures we empower them to be community leaders who are fierce advocates for peace, humanity, and a sustainable environment.
Sustainable Projects
We work directly with community leaders and organizations, both in the U.S. and Uganda, to identify and complete sustainable projects. We believe that community leaders are able to mobilize best from within, thus ensuring successful outcomes.
Research for Success
We believe in identifying how the success of a project will be measured prior to approval and implementation. We take a research-based approach to aid and focus resources on what has been shown to be effective in positive outcomes for children and families.
Outcome Oriented
We believe in identifying how the success of a project will be measured prior to approval and implementation. We take a research-based approach to aid and focus resources on what has been shown to be effective in positive outcomes for children and families.
Transparent Communications
We believe in open, transparent, and frequent communication of the Foundation’s projects and financial standing with all recipients and supporters. We know that donors have entrusted us to make the best use of resources possible as we work to improve the legacy for the world’s children.
Holistic Approach
We understand that providing financial support for education is often a complicated endeavor as children and families may need other supports than just school tuition. To that end we provide a holistic approach and look at other factors that may impact success in school such as family support, living conditions, distance to travel to school, social and emotional challenges, health, and nutrition.
Sharing Life Stories
We believe that each of us carries a story of how we came to where we are in life. We believe that when program recipients share their story with the Foundation they not only help build their bridge to hope, they inspire others to a better future.
Neutral Status
We are not affiliated with any government, religious organization, or political entities. We feel this allows us maximum flexibility to respond to those in need in a way that is timely and effective, and is evidenced by the high success rate of our projects to date.