School Garden Project 

Planting Seeds of Change in Uganda

We are excited to be kicking off this important project in four primary schools in Kamuli, Uganda and it’s a great opportunity for you to be directly involved. Students, teachers, staff and the community will be building raised-bed organic vegetable gardens using rain capture and drip irrigation.
The gardens will be maintained by the students and teachers and the students will be harvesting the vegetables.  

Why It Matters

Three in ten children below 5 years of age in rural Uganda are significantly underweight and malnourished. One cup of watery porridge is often the only “meal” children get at school. If you’ve ever had that gnawing feeling of hunger in your stomach, you know how hard it is to put your focus on learning.
These gardens will  increase the nutritional value they are receiving and improve the health of these kids in rural Uganda.   We will also be planting trees around the school properties to help with soil erosion and aid in reforestation to improve climate conditions.  

The Partnership

We will be partnering with KAPIDA, the Kamuli Area People’s Integral Rural Development Association, local schools, parents, communities, and the district agricultural department.  This will be a collaborative project with the partnership schools providing the space for the gardens.  The direct beneficiaries will be children between the ages of 5 to 12.  Secondary beneficiaries will be the communities where the partnership schools are located. 
The initial partnership schools are Buwanume Primary School, Buzibilira Primary School, Nayenga Primary School and Kamuli Township Primary School.  
You can make a lasting difference by donating to this project today!